Once Upon a Fever by Angharad Walker – Blog Tour Book Review

My copy of the book ‘getting a fever’ in the July 2022 Heatwave

About the Book

‘Disease begins with a feeling, Miss Darke. It has been that way ever since the turn – when people’s feelings first started making them ill …’

Since the world fell sick with fantastical illnesses, sisters Payton and Ani have grown up in the hospital of King Jude’s.

Payton wants to be a methic like her father, working on a cure for her mother’s sleeping fever. Ani, however, thinks the remedy for all illness might be found in the green wilderness beyond the hospital walls.

When Ani stumbles upon an imprisoned boy who turns everything he touches to gold, her world is turned upside-down. The girls find themselves outside the hospital for the first time, a dark mystery unravelling …

• The new novel from Angharad Walker, author of critically-acclaimed The Ash House

• Angharad’s writing evokes the clever, unique world-building and philosophical themes of Pullman’s His Dark Materials while remaining startlingly original

• The story follows two sisters in a London-inspired city full of fantastical illness and sprawling, gothic hospitals where dark secrets linger beneath the surface

Published by Chicken House as a flapped paperback 7th July 2022 | £7.99 | Ages 11+

Paperback flaps!

About the Author

Angharad Walker grew up on military bases in the UK, Germany and Cyprus, where stories were often being told about far-flung places, past conflicts, and friends and family. She studied English Literature & Creative Writing at the University of Warwick and the University of California Irvine. Her fiction has been published in Structo and A Mil- lion Ways, and her poetry has made it into Agenda broadsheets and Ink Sweat & Tears. She lives in South London. When she’s not writing, she works as a communications consultant for charities and not-for-profits. Follow her @angharadwalker on Twitter and Instagram.

What I Thought

It’s a heatwave in the U.K. today and what other than temperature rises in a heatwave. Emotions!

In Walker’s Lundain, feelings lead to fevers and sickness so people are taught to suppress their emotions, ever since the mysterious “Turn”.

Feelings are to be:

“Observed. Treated. Never Felt.”

The comparisons with His Dark Materials are well made with Jenipher Blake’s blood measure and blood purification the new evil in town. It also reminded me vibe wise a little of The Death House by Sarah Pinborough, What’s Left of Me by Kat Zhang and even Divergent by Veronica Roth.

Sisters Ani and Payton haven’t always seen eye to eye but the one thing that they both want is to cure their mother of the water fever that keeps her comatose and away from them. Their father Neel Darke is a methic who they believe might not be trying as hard as they’d hoped to find a cure.

Payton believes in science and wants to be a methic too so when separated from Ani gets trapped in the shadow of the pedestal she’s placed Jenipher on. Payton has been keeping a secret about her ‘blood phobia’ too.

Ani is intrigued by the lost guild of Wilders – who focus on nature and in feeling what needs to be felt. There she meets a trio who begin to help her trust herself.

This book is very topical with pandemics and global warming very much in the here and now.

It says for 11+ and it does read a little more on the middle grade side but only because Ani and Payton are 11 and 13 respectively. I also got Anna and Elsa vibes from them. The themes included cross across age boundaries. In fact I looked back to the email which called it the perfect transitional read for 11+ year olds who aren’t quite ready for YA books.

I really enjoyed this book and devoured it quickly. The over medicalisation of emotions is a very interesting topic to me and I thought it was handed excellently. The only bad thing about the book is that I was left hoping it would be part of a series. It left me feeling that although it was concluded that there was more that could be said so if you like the sound of this please pick up a copy so we can get more.

Thanks to Laura and Chicken House for the gifted copy for the purposes of an honest review. Check out the rest of the tour stops to see what everyone else thought too.

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Finding Mr Perfectly Fine by Tasneem Abdur-Rashid – Blog Tour Book Review

About the Book

Last week I turned 29. Along with the usual homemade Victoria sponge, helium balloon and Selfridges gift vouchers, my Mum’s birthday present to me was the threat that if I’m not engaged by my 30th birthday, she’s sending me off to the Motherland to find a fresh-from-the-Desh husband

When Zara’s Mum puts together the most archaic of arranged marriage resources (not exactly the romcom-worthy love story she had envisioned for herself), she is soon exhausted by her family’s failed attempts to set her up with every vaguely suitable Abdul, Ahmed and Farook that they can find. Zara decides to take matters into her own hands. How hard can it be to find a husband at twenty-nine?

With just a year to go, time is of the essence, so Zara joins a dating app and signs up for speed dating.
She meets Hamza, a kind British Egyptian who shares her values and would make a good husband. Zara knows that not all marriages are based on love (or lust) at first sight but struggles with the lack of spark. Particularly when she can’t stop thinking of someone else . . .

As her next birthday looms, and family pressure intensifies, Zara knows she must make a decision, but will she make the right one?

About the Author

Tasneem Abdul-Rashid is a British Bengali writer and podcaster born and raised in London. Having recently completed a Master’s degree in Creative Writing, Tasneem spends her days writing in coffee shops and her nights co-hosting the podcast Not Another Mum Pod. In between she’s busy trying (and often failing) to be super mum, super wife and super chef. 


What I Thought

It great to see both a British based rom com and an own voices debut exploring Bengali Muslim culture. 

The premise is a great one, a year to find a husband or an arranged marriage it is – and all the pressure that goes with that. External and internal pressures do make you empathise with main character Zara’s internal conflict.

Firstly, I will admit to being a little triggered by this book so that definitely affected my enjoyment slightly. As someone who is involuntarily childless all the talk of dried up eggs definitely cut deep but sadly it reflects the way that slightly older women on the dating scene can be seen by themselves or others – and that needs to start changing.

That is definitely not a reason to settle for anyone though and this is what this book explores. Is it a case of pitching Mr Perfect against Mr Perfectly Fine though – No. But when no one is Mr Perfect and you’ve been hurt before how do you know how much to compromise? Is safety and security enough, does attraction need to come into it at all? 

I have to admit to feeling a bit sorry for the male characters at times – shocker and I do slightly wish she had had a little more agency in the eventful conclusion of the story. 

However the writing and culture depicted was vibrant and its great to see some familiar locations featured for once. I think it would make a fun movie for sure.

Thanks to Tracey at Compulsive Readers and the publishers for a gifted copy of the book for the purposes of an honest review. Do check out everyone else’s blog posts which I’m sure are more than just fine. 

Orla and the Wild Hunt by Anna Houghton – Blog Tour Book Review

About the Book

ORLA AND THE WILD HUNT is the second mesmerizing standalone novel from the critically acclaimed middle-grade author of Venetian adventure The Mask of Aribella – winner of the 2020 North Somerset Teachers’ Book Awardand the 2021 Weald Book Award.

‘[An] enthralling adventure’
THE GUARDIAN on The Mask of Aribella


Orla and her brother go to stay with their gran in Ireland. Grieving the death of their mum, the children revel in the comfort of their grandmother’s house and her magical storytelling.

But soon after they arrive, Gran vanishes. Helped by a local boy – and a peculiar creature found in the garden shed – they set out to find her. Shadowed by a shape-shifting darkness known as the Wild Hunt, the children – especially Orla – must put their sadness behind them if they’re to rescue their beloved gran.

Inspired by Irish mythology and folklore, drawing on Anna Hoghton’s family connection, and exploring grief from a child’s perspective, ORLA AND THE WILD HUNT is brimming with peril, warmth and hope.

About the Author

ANNA HOGHTON is an award-winning poet, filmmaker and co-founder of makeaplace.net. She has an MA in Writing for Young People from Bath Spa University and was one of fifteen leading UK poets commissioned for Bristol Festival of Ideas 2016. Follow her on Twitter @annahoghton and find out more at annahoghton.com

What I Thought

What a wonderful middle grade adventure. Orla and her brother Apollo are loveable protagonists thrust into a world of fae and pooka, giants and sprites. 

Having lost their mother, their sadness is what makes them vulnerable to the Wild Hunt, but the Wild Hunt aren’t the only problem they have to deal with. 

Needing to get their Gran back – mainly for her tiffin – let’s be honest, they discover the myths and legends she’s been spouting all these years are true. 

They need some guides to help them navigate this new world – enter Conor and a snarky pooka. But with the fickle fae on the scene who is even to be trusted?

Author Anna Hoghton emerges you in this magical forest and the description of the fairy rings has made me want to seek out a short story I wrote when I was a lot younger.

All the characters are vividly painted and I love how flawed they are – sad, selfish, secretive. Their humanity shines through and contrasts them to the fae.

Thanks to Laura and Chicken House for the gifted copy for the purposes of an honest review.