The Book of Stolen Dreams by David Farr – Blog Tour – Author Guest Video

About the Book

When Rachel and Robert are passed a stolen book by their librarian father, they have to go on the run and protect it at all costs. With their father captured and everyone hunting for the Book, they must uncover its secrets and track down the final, missing page.
But the cruel and calculating Charles Malstain is on their trail. When the children discover the astonishing, magical truth about the Book, they resolve to do everything in their power to stop it falling into his hands. For if it does, he could rule forever.

Step inside the pages of an immortal adventure and discover a truly unforgettable journey of wonder, courage and magic…

About the Author

David Farr is one of the UK’s leading screenwriters and directors for film, TV and theatre. In 2009, he was appointed Associate Director of the Royal Shakespeare Company, where his productions of The Winter’s Tale, King Lear and The Homecoming all opened to critical acclaim. David is known for his work on Spooks and his 2016 BBC adaptation of The Night Manager, starring Hugh Laurie and Tom Hiddleston. He completed his first feature film, Hanna, in 2009, and has since adapted it into a hugely successful series for Amazon Prime, and has recently adapted The Midwich Cuckoos for Sky. The Book of Stolen Dreams is his first novel.


Author – Guest Video – What books would you protect at all costs?

So over to you – What books would you protect at all costs? Do tell me in the comments below or over on one of my social channels.

Do check out the rest of the blog tour for more interview questions and some reviews (banner to be added later). I believe I have a gifted copy on the way so I will share my thoughts when I’ve had time to read. Thanks to Blue at Kaleidoscopic Tours and the publisher.

Posted on September 6, 2022, in Author Interviews and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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