Write to Fight

The Write to Fight short story fundraising anthology that contains15 of my short stories is now available to download here:

In total there are 88 stories by the following writers: Gary Hewitt (also the anthology organiser), Vicky Daddo, Terri Nixon, Geoff Nelder, Sarah James, Effie Meryl, Rory Crutes, Mark Iles, Rachel Green, Claire King, Stef Hall.

My stories are:

A Cup of Love
Black-Belt Super Mum
Double Rainbow
Silent Wish
Skylar and the Seraphim
The Bell Tolls
The Brits Win The War…At Last
The Little Blue Baby
Tracey Treacle
What Shall I Write

Please don’t forget to donate.

Posted on January 16, 2011, in #am writing (and all things writing related) and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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